Our services.
Assistance with finding and applying for affordable housing options.
Education on tenant rights and responsibilities, including how to deal with landlords and disputes over rent or repairs.
Access to government subsidies and other financial assistance programs for housing.
Providing information on Canadian schools, including how to enrol and what to expect.
Support for families with children who speak a different language, including translation services and ESL classes.
Information on extracurricular activities for children, such as sports teams, music lessons, and summer camps.
Resources for finding employment, including job search tools and career counselling services.
Education on Canadian culture and customs, including holidays, social norms, and etiquette.
Opportunities for youth to connect with peers and get involved in their communities, such as volunteer programs and mentorship initiatives
Opportunities to connect with and celebrate diverse cultural traditions and customs.
Programs and activities that promote intercultural exchange and understanding.
Volunteer opportunities that allow individuals to share their culture and skills with others